Budget modern dredge deck
Budget modern dredge deck

So this is an excellent time to pick up the archetype. If recent metagame trends are anything to go by the more narrow Modern becomes, the more favored Control becomes. Even in a sea of Dredge, Hogaak Bridgevine, and Izzet Phoenix, Azorius Control can win large tournaments. Last weekend at MagicFest Dallas, Austin Bursavich took down the event with Azorius Control. That takes a modest amount of time to develop, but doing so provides a high reward. I would put Azorius Contol into a similar bracket as Jund and Tron, where if you were going into a metagame blind it would provide decent matchups across the board.Ĭontrol strategies also lean on format knowledge and experience. The power-level of Azorius Contol has held consistent despite fluctuations in the metagame, and over time, the build can be adjusted to match the popular strategies and threats of the day. If you have identified that you enjoy playing a prolonged “draw go” strategy in Magic, then Control could be for you.īlue-based Control strategies such as Azorius Control are always an excellent choice, and there are myriad ways to build your list. Nevertheless, I will be approaching this article differently by spotlighting one archetype that is both well-loved and often successful-Control.Ĭontrol is a strategy which will always exist within Magic and has been heavily featured in Modern since the introduction of the format. I’m writing this using Standard cards as tools to extend their application into Modern.

budget modern dredge deck

So let’s revisit how to make the jump into the format from a beginner’s perspective.įollowing suit from previous articles in the series, I carry on the journey of creating budget Modern decks with the end-goal of upgrading into established archetypes.

budget modern dredge deck

Modern Horizons has entered the format, and the dust is slowly beginning to settle on the new Modern metagame. Welcome back to the Beginner’s Budget Guide to Modern.

Budget modern dredge deck